Sunday, December 31, 2006

no one is just have to stick your head up....and have a look at the other branches around you....our ways do the branches......and life takes us for a ride on each of these brances, but yet my friends we all sit on different branches....leading us different ways....but we are still connected.....and still around.....just stick up your head.....and look out

err...ok...i seem to have strayed from the point here....shucks.....what was the point neway???
ok...basically no one is alone....all you need is to look around and you find friends.........and me...
blah..blah..blah...and there point made....phew...finally..!!!!
shared solitude...u must have done it, shared your solitude with someone special, and you'll know what it means.....ok...i dunno if these crows thought of it too :D
a glass of water!!
Mr. Duckie and Mrs.Duckie

Remember Duckie?? This is Mrs. Duckie :D

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Still Life
1 red, 2 red, 3 red.....err....lets start over

I cant give up now....
If the world were to be upside down, then I would be walking on the road to heaven......

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I dont know what to say!!
Green Like U've Never Seen!!
Take a deep breath!!
Blue Again!!
Scrooge McDuck's Dream!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Last Stand.....
Still fighting.....
Peeping through......
The road to somewhere!!!
I can and I will

Friday, May 05, 2006

Touch the Sky

Fire Fly...errr...float

The world as i see it

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Aam ka Ped

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I am a sucker for blue.....big time......and i just cant resist a florist

One more on top of the hill behind Infy PhaseII, click on the picture for a bigger view......

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ever been kicked in the face..... Believe me....its amazing............

The best feeling in the world is to, have a baby go to sleep in your arms...

Monday, March 06, 2006


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Beyond Beyond"

Its my phone, but this world isnt mine.......feel free to use these pics in whatever ways you wish......

This one.......the hill behind Infy Phase II in Pune

This time, its me......
And the photos are to show off my k750i........
This will mostly be a photoblog...most photos have been taken with a Sony Ericsson K750i Camera Phone........this one at a florist...